Saturday, October 9, 2010

View of god's gameset through Chess

I'm sure there's other ways of looking at the way god plays the game of life (it's not a game to him either don't get me wrong here) and this is not the best nor is it the end all, be all of understandings of how he does what he does, but this is how I saw 1 of his passages in the bible.

Take JOB (pronounced Joeb not like the thing you grudgingly go to everyday to bring home a dime) but you Take Job in all his suffering. Read the section where God summons the sons of god and Lucifer tags along "doesn't imply he's a son of god at the time", though he WAS before this, since son of god means angel in loose terms. Lucifer is already cast out and turned into the serpent doomed to wonder the earth the rest of his days on his belly.
Lucifer being brought to attention by the almighty is asked where has he (Satan) been, he confesses or lies we may never know. That he Satan has been walking back and forth, Too and from the earth. (nothing more nothing less)

-JOB 1:7 And the Lord said to Satan "from where do you come?" So Satan answered the lord and said "from going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it"

though we should believe he'd been doing something more or he wouldn't be anything more than a lying snake in the garden.

Now here's where the similarities in Chess start to come forth. The Lord our god (even god to the unbeliever for there is only one who without him there would be nothing to exist) The lord our god Calls attention before Satan to look at this man Job who loves him dearly.

Job 1:8 Then the the lord said to Satan, "have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless upright man, one who fears god and shuns evil?"

There is none like him means that nobody at the time living upon the earth came close to the devotion of Job. So then Satan points out what he seams to think is a silly flaw in Job and his blind devotion to god. Now we also get that in order for god to consider asking Satan whether or not he Satan had considered the man Job. this is not a real question for god knows already but rather a question to get Satan to confess as an interigator who has already seen footage of a crime with you in it asks you a question of whether you recognize the severity of what you have done or not. Now it is also understood and believe that Satan is not a single individual party working only to destroy god and oppose him only.... but rather Satan A force not the force that is set upon the earth as an element to tempt us to sin. now consider that Satan is the hammer that Tempers us to see that we should forge or not into a tool for gods puproses. he Satan is asked whether or not he has considered tempting Job or not.
Where in our little game of Chess this goes as far to show that god is on the verge of losing patience "he never actually does btw" and is asking the other player "have you considered this move?" because Satan is avoiding any involvement with gods pieces possibly at the time.
"so Adversary have you considered taking my Rook/Castle?"

Job 1:9 So Satan answered the lord and said "Does Job fear god for nothing?"

Challenging god to find a distasteful fear upon Job that shows terror from him that is known only to poison love and truth, god's love and truth. rather than the fear of a child for their parent which later is rewarded on both ends (or should be) with love and respect. Satan believes "evidence that Satan has not the power of god for he would not have such a question if he knew truthfully without asking Job himself whether Job has an unhealthy fear of Yahweh"
Does this Chess piece of yours serve you only because you have great power and you created it? is what the question would be in the game of chess if the pieces were alive.
Ask yourselves would you create an enchanted chess board if you had the power of giving life? and if so would you expect the pieces to fall in-line to serve you only because you told them that you created them and had the power to take all their happiness away or destroy them? or would you rather the Chess pieces came to terms for love for you on their own without direct influence from you and all the more come back and see all things whither away and die because of their love for you? Or would you have them obey you for fear of destruction?

Job1:10b You have blessed the work of his hands and his possessions have increased in the land.

Satan seams to think that since god has so blessed the land and the works of Job that it is also an isolating curse upon Job, that with the love that Job has in his life with as perfect a life that anybody can come to collect in life at the time Job was also cursed to not having something upon his life that he himself had earned.
if you isolate a babe from disease and misfortune, or cruelty that the child may come to only know you as its life and shun all else. That the child will have been pampered to an extent that it wouldn't know anything else but your love and mistrust anybody else but you. There's a reason why SPOILING the child and sparing the ROD leads to ill mannered children with no respect, or no understanding of why they must respect everybody. Blind obedience may be a respectable virtue it also has a problem with lack of self worth.
Also Satan here shows evidence that Humanism and Evolution is a tool that he favors. He Satan would have the world break away from god and become themselves powerful so that they would be separated from the Shepard and be left to the wolves. He would have humanism show that man needs only himself and his neighbors to fend for themselves and hate everybody else who would stand in the way. Humanism would have man love himself for self righteous means and glorify only himself and those who agree or do better than himself, so that he can learn to adapt the ways of the better man to increase his happiness. Satan's ulterior motive besides being the tempter is either to become god among us himself and do away with Jesus. Or to destroy the earth and start a new with him being the creator of an all new creation. Or to be alone with a wicked self deserving solitude. Or something else that is evil that we can't comprehend today.

Job1:11 "But now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to your face.!"

Satan here Challenges god to use his absolute power to touch the land of Job physically, which would utterly destroy everything not figuratively but literally since god is Love and absolute power.
Chess world would show that Satan is challenging god to either end the game right now by moving the rook outside of its move-set and take the opposing team. or just by clearing the board and cheating. which by having god actually use his hands the pieces he touches would turn to dust.

Job1:12 And the lord said to Satan, "behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person," So Satan went out from the presence of the lord.

Here the Lord informs Satan that Satan is promptly unleashed to the lands around Job to do with as he pleases for what every reasons Satan would see fitting to challenge the faith and devotion of Job, and see that Job doesn't remain in favor of god.
In other words I remove my hand from restraining your moves and give you leave to make your move on the board. If satan thinks that Job would sooner defy god if he knew that by evidence god was not with him then Yahweh gave Satan the opportunity to test this by giving the devil several turns to try and Checkmate his king without the protection from Yahweh.

Job 1:13-19 Shows the moves that Satan had arranged either directly or by influence over those who were without god. These are not acts of god truely but rather acts that man would see as by god because they were so precise and destructive. Rather they were results of demonic influence and such. For we know that god did NOT agree he would touch the lands so we have NO conclusion that god is the whirlwind here (later god does appear as a whirlwind but not the same) that destroyed the house or that he is the fire that burned the livestock. Lest we forget that Satan is the great Deciever or do we actually believe or want to believe that god wants to toy with us? I think not

Job1:22 In all this Job did not sin nor charge god with wrong.

Job even in his anger remains a devout servant of god ever solid in his belief and love for god.

In the end here we see that even when Satan has destroyed all gods chess pieces in Job's life Job stand's alone against Satan, the world, and Job's would be friends seen later. All god has is his Rook or king. God stands alone as it were and Satan is left in Check Mate with a full board of pieces on his side still. CHECK MATE.

as a finishing message. Let Jesus take control of your game and deliver you to the endgame and Checkmate without having to kill a single one of the enemies pieces. Invite Jesus into your life because he died for the chance to help you with your game. Jesus is the salvation that we all need.