Sunday, February 14, 2010

Old testiment wrath of god

ok people, most of us want to blame god for what he's done to us and our land but you obviously have been misled or are spiritually irresponsible.
Hurricanes Earthquakes etc... are a force of nature and you're correct that he has all control over the weather (he not she). He does not control the weather to demolish, destroy, kill. Not since 2100 years ago or more. He no more does this than you punishing your child and that child breaking a window in spite.
In the time before christ (Jesus not Jehovah) he's been credited to a few confirmed destroyed cities (though scientists just want to give that credit to nature without him) he is still absolute in truth. So before you say he lied or changed his own rules by killing people who you believe may be innocent. consider that these cities were filled with people like the Nazi's every one of them either hating or ignorant to his existance (not ignorant like hearing something and opposing it, rather never hearing something in the first place) and the city being filled with likewise people for a whole generation. now today this would be equal to these Nazis all having knowledge to create and deploy atomic bombs "dramatics I know but I need you to undestand where I'm going with this"
If you were god and you said something Must Never be done and yet there were those who would never stop till those who loved you and abided by your laws were all corrupted or killed, would you not deem this a worthy situation to apply punishment?. some may say NO because they still can't believe that a whole city would be as corrupt and destructive. But were not talking about cities today were talking about civilization 2500 years ago or more where they didn't have the phone or the internet to conference with others Miles away. So these nearly isolated cities would continue to build in power and that power was used to go against the word of god "or rules of the father" and got out of hand.
I believe it is in gods power to over the generations of these cities to make sure all those who loved him were removed. now with all peoples who knew of and loved Jesus "yes Jesus before he was born because he is the word and the word was at the beginning of time and the living word and the word was god" all these people who loved Jesus had left any of these cities, left no doubt that these cities were 100% anti-god. Instead of letting this cancer on earth to spread he'd have to amputate the city from the world. Nothing left to do but to kill.
After all "Do as I say not as I do" comes to mind, but if you want to say "since god/Jesus killed and defied his own law/rules then they're void so they don't apply to me/us" then you are still not living according to righteousness. you are proving you are not capable of becoming better than your original programming.
I myself a year ago pegged the change of actions of god from a vengeful and destructive god to a peaceful one as a mistake and learning process for him. I was wrong, he showed who he is back when he did these things to our ancestors. and in No way are we to think he was wrong in doing so. If he was wrong in doing so then we are to presume that there were good people in those cities. and that they would NOT make the world worse than it is today or just as bad as it is today but at an earlier time. A true and devout christian would understand that it is not in our capability to truly understand his motives except that they are for the overall majority good for all existence. To doubt him is to oppose him or claim he is fake.
You may come out of this thinking "Joe you're wrong for saying this as a christian" but even as a christian you should question all things to know better for yourself and those who may ask. for a wise christian is one who asks all things and comes away with the same or better understanding in light of the previous knowledge and still claim that truth to be absolute. the more we understand about science does not pull us away from god. rather those who have doubts and back it up with science already knew in their hearts they had no god. but to those who use science to back up god are to be praised. "For I am fearfully and wonderful y made" speaks volumes.
some may say that Jesus/Yahweh killed these people because they may have discovered the truth about him, god. I say "your just crying in the woods now, lol like the tree that makes a sound or not when it falls and no body hears it" your just feeding the fire that you don't understand. I pray we never as a whole on earth collectively say we know of no god, for many times when someone says he doesn't exist something in their lives or someone else s lives shows a miracle. The more we explain god by science the more I say "that just shows how much more smarter and powerful he is, not the non existence of him"
for example scientists like to claim that the destruction of Sodom was simply through the impact of a Meteor in the area of Russia where the debris continued on for several hundred miles and hit the city by coincidence. I say that god must have a knowledge of astronomy (lol he created the cosmos so why not?) knocked this meteor out of alignment at exactly the right trajectory, causing it to hit the right spot on earth to cause the Hellfire to destroy the city of Sodom. Anti-christian scientists who talk about this just make it sound like were giving god credit where nature is just random. Where as Christians should look at is as though there's a reason for this and its not just numbers or karma.
The more we as simple humans try to explain something the more we limit it by our own understanding and put titles like "Impossible" on that which we do not accept or understand.
THE END for now I'm sure theres more but I can't think of it for now. Plz comment thanks.

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